Contact Us

General Information | Address | Hours of Operation | Telephone | 1055 Westlakes Drive, Suite 250 Berwyn, PA 19312 | Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM ET | 800-333-4573 (Toll Free) 610-407-5500 (Local) |
Directions to Brinker Capital | |
Departmental Contacts | Client Services | The Client Service Team is available to answer questions regarding existing accounts. Email clientservice@brinkercapital.com. | | Public Relations/Media Inquiries | Industry journalists are invited to contact us for a quick response to requests for leads, expert commentary and other information about Brinker Capital and the financial services industry. Email marketingmembers@brinkercapital.com. | | Human Resources | Brinker Capital is an Equal Opportunity Employer encouraging a diverse workforce. The Human Resources Department provides support in employment, employee relations, benefits, compensation, payroll, staff development, and training. For your convenience, current employment opportunities are posted online. If you have any questions or would like to submit a resume, email HumanResources@brinkercapital.com. | | Sales and Investments | We welcome the opportunity to provide the training, support, and services financial advisors need. To reach a Brinker Capital sales professional, call 800-333-4573 to speak with a representative for your geographical area. | | Web | If you have questions about the website, would like to provide feedback, or need to report an error that occurred during your use of Brinker Capital’s website, please contact the webmaster at webmaster@brinkercapital.com. |
Client Service Team Serving Your Area | Representative | State |  | Bay Wrightnour | Southern CA, HI, and NV |  | Dan McGovern | AR, LA, OK, and TX |  | David Ix | NJ and PA |  | Glenda Pemble | AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, UT, and WY |  | Greg Verfaillie | AK, Northern CA, OR, and WA |  | Jason Shevland | CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, Upstate NY, and VT |  | Michael Cole | GA, TN, NC, and SC |  | Michael Frascone | Long Island, NYC, Rockland County, and Westchester County |  | Mitch Mellen | IN, KY, MI, OH, and WI | | Ryan LeStrange | IA, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE and SD |  | Tom McNeil | DC, DE, MD, VA, and WV | | Tom Rieman | AL, FL, GA, MS and PR |  | Territory Map | All States | |